The Lakeside Story:
“Well, It’s Set Way Back in the Middle of…..Lakeside!”

SB’s Lakeside Love Shack opened in November 2017, the lifelong dream-in-the-making of owner Sarabeth (SB) Hagen. SB set out to create a neighborhood hangout where folks could have fun and enjoy great food. With many of our favorite dishes inspired by family recipes, it is as if you were at home experiencing a meal with family and friends. She is proud to be part of the warm and welcoming Lakeside Community; not only a business owner, but also a resident. The Love Shack is an experience; when you walk in, you feel the LOVE, when you eat the food, you taste the LOVE, and when you leave, you spread the LOVE.♥︎
The Main Street Story:
“…And we’re headin’ on down (town, that is) to the Love Shack!”
February 23, 2022 – March 31, 2024
SB’s Main Street Love Shack made its debut in Downtown Richmond on February 23, 2022, after experiencing HUGE success with the original Lakeside location. Located in Richmond’s Historic Fan District, Sarabeth (SB) Hagen continued to serve the Commonwealth with her delicious classics in an open and vibrant atmosphere. Whether simply walking down Main St., or driving from the other side of town, the LOVE will be waiting for you right at the door! ♥︎
♥︎With a heavy heart, SB’s Main Street LoveShack decided to close its doors permanently on March 31, 2024.♥︎

♥︎Our Love Shack Family!♥︎
Every great community starts with Family!

♥︎Sarabeth ‘SB’ Hagen♥︎
Owner /chef and creator of the Special’s chalkboard.

SB’s Pride and Joy
Son of SB, the inspiration for the Shack Stacks and the TJ Shimmie; a musical prodigy

♥︎Ryan Dillon♥︎
Kitchen Manager/Chef
Badass Kitchen Slayer, Overlord and Creator of the Specials (Technically, SB is the Overlord, but we’ll give it to him 😉 )
♥︎Love Shack Family Photo Album♥︎
You know you’re family when you work a Sunday Brunch and still love each other!